These are set and enforced by the moderators.
No automated cross posting from Twitter, RSS, or other services.
Please do not spam or self-promote yourself (humor and m3m3s, however, are most welcome).
If you impersonate someone, please state that in your profile and exercise discretion.
We recommend using descriptions for images and video (ALT tag) to be inclusive of those with vision issues.
Challenging the community with critical ideas and good thought partnering is welcome, ass holes are not - be respectful during dialogue or debate.
No hate or targeted harassment of any other user, regardless of what side of an issue you reside on.
Accounts for and/or promoting proprietary products are prohibited. You may make accounts for and/or to promote Free Software products, whether commercial or otherwise.
We respect the individual freedom of the community member in deciding whether reposts are endorsements or otherwise, and whether the content they post should contain a warning.
Server members must comply with NM Administrative Code and US Federal Law.